health tips tea with cigarette side effects chai sutta ke nuksan in hindi

Disadvantages of Chai Cigarette: The trend of smoking tea and betting i.e. smoking cigarettes with tea is increasing rapidly among the youth these days. This is a very dangerous habit. This can cause serious harm to health. The combination of tea and cigarette can be very poisonous (Tea With Cigarette Side Effects). According to a report, if you are smoking cigarettes with tea then the risk of esophageal cancer increases by 30%. The caffeine in tea combined with cigarette smoke can be fatal. Therefore, if in order to look cool or to relieve stress, you are also drinking tea and cigarettes, then be careful immediately…

How dangerous is the tea-cigarette combination?

A report published in the journal Annals of Internal Medicine in 2023 states that hot tea can be dangerous for the cells of the food pipe. When a cigarette comes with tea, the risk of its damage doubles. If this habit continues for a long time, it can even lead to cancer.

According to health experts, caffeine is found in tea, which creates a kind of acid in the stomach, which helps in digestion, but when this caffeine is consumed in too much quantity, it can cause harm to the stomach. At the same time, nicotine is found in cigarettes. When tea and cigarette are consumed together on an empty stomach, problems like headache or dizziness may occur. According to a report, cigarette smokers have 7 percent more risk of heart attack. Their age can be reduced up to 17 years.

What diseases are caused by smoking tea and cigarettes?

1. Risk of heart attack

2. Esophageal cancer

3. Throat cancer

4. Lung Cancer

5. Risk of impotence and infertility

6. Stomach ulcer

7. Ulcer of hands and feet

8. Risk of memory loss

9. Risk of brain stroke and heart stroke

10. Age decreases

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